welcome new flesh!


I am totally new to webdev, so let me know if anything breaks! Working links and images coming soon!!! This place is super unfinished lol.


hello filler

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum et orci sit amet nunc fringilla rutrum. Aliquam finibus ipsum nec orci dignissim, id luctus dolor semper. Phasellus dictum mauris ut neque molestie hendrerit. Vestibulum at neque purus. Cras est sapien, ultricies ut vulputate id, pellentesque malesuada arcu. Vestibulum efficitur quam in elit cursus vehicula. Praesent in tellus nisl. Vestibulum a massa lorem. Phasellus placerat velit sed feugiat pharetra.


Feel free to use any stamps, buttons or blinkies you find here! Credit to me is not required. I just ask you not to take any of the special art assets. If you see an asset you made and want it taken down, message me. I tried to use only free ones, but I'm leaving this note just in case.

Here are some of the resources I used to make this site!

  • - Layout from Repth!
  • - Cursors by lu9!
  • - Hit Counter!
  • @Repth